Yamaha DT 125 209 cm³ Project - WR 200 Engine - Zeeltronic

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Yamaha DT 125 209 cm³ Project - WR 200 Engine - Zeeltronic

Messagede swatmugga le 28 Fév 2014 19:55



Im from germany and want to present you my Project.


You can use Translation on the left Sidebar. Feel free to leave a comment!


If anyone is interested in doning the same like me...I have another Cylinder and complete Engine Block here. Shipping would be no problem.

http://kleinanzeigen.ebay.de/anzeigen/s ... ?ref=myads

Feel free to contact me via mail : swatmugga@yahoo.de
Messages: 2
Inscription: 28 Fév 2014 19:50
Localisation: Bochum
Motos: DT @209cm³

Re: Yamaha DT 125 209 cm³ Project - WR 200 Engine - Zeeltronic

Messagede swatmugga le 05 Mar 2014 10:17

new Video online, no comments?
Messages: 2
Inscription: 28 Fév 2014 19:50
Localisation: Bochum
Motos: DT @209cm³

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